United States locations to purchase bean bag filler
Unbelievably, most bean bags are purchased online and delivered flat-packed, devoid of beans. Beanbags are shipped empty because freight is somewhat expensive. Generally speaking, it is more economical to buy the bean bag filling locally and stuff the beanbag cover by yourself.
Costs of shipping make pre-filled bean bags pricey. Where can I, however, get bean bag filler close by? Usually, bean bag filler is sold in volume. Most retailers, for instance, will sell a 3.5 cubic foot packet of beanbag filler. A 3.5 cubic foot is equal to 100 liters.
Bean bag filler is sold by weight by some vendors, though. Companies offering bean bag filler by weight should be avoided since, without knowing the amount of beans you will receive, you may easily be duped into paying too much.
Retailers sell bean bag filler by weight rather than volume just to confuse you, the customer. Unless the provider can provide you the density, the weight of the goods is meaningless.
US sales of bean bag filler are not offered by us. Our sole product is bean bag covers. The information below is offered just as a convenience to anybody looking for a bean bag filler supplier online. Consider how many beans would be needed to fill the biggest bean bag on Earth.
Brandnmart bean bag filler
Brandnmart claims they provide a range of brands and sizes of bean bag filler that you can buy online or in-store. In order to simplify your choice, we have limited our comparison to the 3.5 cubic foot packs. Brandnmart is your best bet if you want the lowest price.
The Bean Bag Factory Fourteen dollars for 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters)
Good Joe Fourteen dollars for 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters)
Bean bag filler is available for purchase both online and in-store. Neither is Thebargaintown the most expensive nor the cheapest. Carry items from Ace Bayou and Big Joe, two of the biggest suppliers in the globe.
Jolly Joe A 3.5 cubic foot (100 litre) is $19.98
Polystyrene beads refill for Ace Bayou Bean Bags 19.99 for 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters)
With more than 1,800 locations around the United States, you might find a Target shop nearby. Three distinct bean bag filler options are shown on Target's website Two have the gold medal branding. Retailing at $42.99, the biggest pack is five cubic feet. An other option is to pay $20.99 for two cubic feet of Gold Medal filling. They also charge $31.99. for ACEssentials two cubic foot bags. Remember that these are far more expensive than those of other suppliers.
Being the biggest online retailer globally, Amazon hardly requires an introduction to most of us. Though not the least expensive. Once more, Big Joe is the least expensive bean bag filler on Amazon, but there are other choices. Big Joe 19.99 for 3.5 cubic feet (100 liters)
Different sizes of fillings are available from Foamerica. The closest in size is the three cubic foot bag of Virgin Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) Beads. Although Foamerica is based in Phoenix, Arizona, they provide very competitive freight rates and an online store.
Above and beyond bed bath
The 3.5 cubic foot Ace Bayou bean bag is available for $18.99 at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Purchases can be made online or picked up at one of their 1,550 locations in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.
Cities of beanbags
Bean Bag City has been in the beanbag industry since 1975! Their showroom is at 1480 W. Spring Valley-Paintersville Road, Spring Valley, Ohio. They sell beanbag filling in two handy sizes on their internet site. The packets of three cubic feet cost $26.50, and those of six cubic feet cost $64.
Having opened 865 locations around the country, Joann has been in operation for more than 75 years. For $13.99, Joann has a two-cubic foot package of bean bag filler.
Though there are other vendors selling bean bag filler on E-Bay in the United States, the Big Joe 3.5 cubic foot (100 liters) was priced the most competitively at $23.31. Send your data if you run a store in the US that carries EPS Polystyrene beanbag filling and would like to be added to our list.
If you notice any of the information above to be inaccurate, do let us know. With any luck, this post helps you find a good provider for your beanbag filling! Locate Canadian suppliers of beanbag filling here if you live there.